SUPERMAN 2 II Shooting Movie Script - 9x12 in. - 1977 - Richard Donner, Christopher Reeves

SUPERMAN 2 USA Movie Script. Directed by Richard Donner with Christopher Reeves. Dated March 21, 1977 - written by Mario Puzo, David Newman, Leslie Newman, and Robert Benton.  - Size: 9x12 in. approx. Condition: Very good to Excellent (C7) 120 pages approx.

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Approx. size in inchesFR - 9x12
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WarningThis is NOT A DVD - All Right Reserved

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NOTE : The cover says Superman III but the pages inside indicate Superman II and it is dated 1977. This makes sense because much of Superman II was filmed in 1977, before the first film was even released. After a quick scan, the plot in the script does indeed follow Superman's fight against General Zod which takes place in Superman II. However, there are some interesting changes (such as Lois leaping from the Daily Planet building instead of Niagara Falls, and Zod destroying National Landmarks around the world, including the Leaning Tower of Pisa (a plot element that was later used in Superman III).